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Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.”
From Sri Yukteswar, Autobiography of a Yogi.
Jyotish – The science of light
Rooted in the ancient sacred texts called the Vedas, the oldest of which are dated to c.1500 BCE by conventional academics, Jyotish, also known as “Vedic Astrology,” embodies the study of a person’s character, constitution, tendencies, habits, or ‘samskaras’ (impressions on the subconscious soul level). Samskaras manifest as a person’s disposition that exists as default from birth, cultivated over many lifetimes.
The samskaras produce within you aura vectors that speed you in particular directions. Your birth chart is a map of your overall aura, for you can only be born at the moment when the aura created by your causal body resonates strongly with the auras created by the position of the nine planets in the sky.
Essentially, the soul moves along an evolutionary path, where each incarnation is a consequence of unfulfilled desires, actions, and thoughts from past lives. Jyotish casts a light on your birth chart, which reflects your soul’s karma that has ripened in this lifetime by uncovering the samskaras, impressions on the subconscious mind, which have resulted in patterned behaviours and conditioned tendencies. And this can open up the path to self-awareness, further facilitated by regular spiritual practices.
Wishing you all the peace & self-acceptance that the light of Jyotish brings.
Anahita Rao
Discover more about Anahita
Anahita Rao is a practising vedic astrologer. Her goal is to guide and support others in achieving optimal well-being via self-knowledge that comes from jyotish.
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Vedic Astrology Resources
Read Anahita’s forecast each month about the current planetary placements.
Watch all Anahita’s latest Vedic astrology videos as well as scheduled talks here.
Anahita shares ideas and learning through articles on Jyotish and Vedic Astrology.
Astrology Reports can be purchased separately to your consultations.

Om Namo Narayana