From time to time, I will add articles here on various topics of interest in jyotish, vedic astrology.
An opportunity to heal: the humbling power of Eclipses
Often you will hear people speak about eclipse spotting as an anticipated event. An event that some eagerly plan for: setting aside a venue for the day and precise hour of the solar and lunar eclipse. However, if we adhere to ancient wisdom, the only way to really...
Jyotish is Good Medicine – Deepening your yoga practice with Astrology
“Jyotish,” also known as Vedic Astrology, is the science of light (“jyoti” meaning light). Light not only refers to the light coming from the planets in our solar system, but more so, the divine wisdom or illumination that it can reveal through your horoscope,...
Burning Off Ancestral Karma
It’s a question that many of us ask ourselves at some point in our lives: Why did we take birth in our family? Did we choose our parents, did they choose us? And more importantly, can we transcend all this so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes, the same...
Planet and House Maturity – What Age Do Results Manifest
Planets and houses are said to give their maturity effects at certain ages in a person's life. The planets are more significant in this regard. When a planet matures at a certain age, the full potential of the planet will be able to manifest at that time. Whatever a...
Delay in Marriage: Prevailing factors
Questions related to serious relationships and marriage inevitably arise when you seek advice from an astrologer. Such as ‘when will you get married; ‘how long will the marriage last’ ‘will it be a happy union’? There are a few typical combinations where marriage can...
Gandanta Point: Beginning or Ending?
Gandanta is a Sanskrit word that is derived from ‘gand’ meaning bubble, joint, spot, knot and anta meaning end, termination, dividing line. In Vedic Astrology, we take this to mean the knot at the dividing line. This bubble or knot at the dividing line occurs between...
Moksha Trikon: Death & Re-Birth
The 12 houses of the horoscope are divided into the Dharma (duty) trikon houses 1, 5 and 9; the Artha (materialism) Trikon houses: 2, 6 and 10; the Kama (desire) Trikon houses: 3, 7 and 11 and the Moksha (spirituality) Trikon: 4, 8 and 12. In Sanskrit, the word...
Rahu & Ketu: Using Mean Node vs. True Node?
So, what exactly are the nodes of the Moon? Well, they are shadow, not physical, planets, also known as Rahu, the North Node, and Ketu, the South Node. They are deemed to be critical points in a birth chart, paving the way for karmic analysis and judgment. Lets have...
Vargottama Planets: Double the Power?
Essentially, vargottama refers to planets occupying the same sign in Rashi chart as well as the Navmasha chart. This planet is said to give double the results during its Mahadasha, whether that is auspicious or challenging depends on what the planet signifies in your...
What is Good Karma?
We hear this word so often. Karma. So what exactly is Karma? Some say it is the law of cause and effect. Karma is action, whether physical or mental, that results in a consequence. Some say Karma is what will happen to you in your next life based on what you do in...

Om Namo Narayana