Mysterious Rahu

Mysterious Rahu

Astrology is an observational science.  Particularly with Rahu, it is difficult to predict the results, as Rahu operates from a deep subconscious level, churning up our fears and desires, bringing our buried karmic baggage to the surface.  Some observations of Rahu...
Badhak Bhava: house of obstruction

Badhak Bhava: house of obstruction

In the last couple of decades, we have seen a growing trend to apply Jaimini principles to Parashara dashas, which are planetary periods in one’s life. If we ask two astrologers to analyse the same chart for a known event, we will see two distinct analyses, using...
Jupiter, why so good in Aquarius?

Jupiter, why so good in Aquarius?

Jupiter gets exalted in the sign of Cancer and debilitated in the sign of Capricorn. There is a dictum in Vedic Astrology which states that Jupiter in Aquarius gives almost as good results as it gives when situated in the sign of Cancer. Why is this the case? It is...
Dignities of Planets

Dignities of Planets

The planets’ own rasi is the rasi that the planet rules, making it very strong here, as it occupies its own house bringing out its pure, raw nature. All the qualities of the planet will be exhibited to a high degree. A planet in its own sign is capable of yielding at...