April 2023

April 2023

April is an active month, with two important shifts:  Jupiter moves into Aries, and the first solar eclipse of the year. In any month, there are three special days when the energy of the Universe is re-setting.  And that is when both the Sun and Moon are going through...
March 2023

March 2023

March will speed things up so if you felt a slow start to the year now you should feel a shift.  The month starts with an exact Venus-Jup conjunction in Revati, in Pisces.  Although these two planets are not friendly to each other, being in Pisces this energy gets...
February 2023

February 2023

In February, we will see Rahu move into Ashwini nakshatra. Mars will shift into Mrigshira nakshatra, and we will also experience a Jupiter-Venus conjunction, as well as a Sun-Saturn conjunction this month.  With the recent sign change of Saturn and Mars and Mercury...
January 2023

January 2023

The start of the year, we have a Venus-Saturn conjunction.  We also see Mars and Mercury going direct in mid-month, and Saturn’s return to Aquarius.   It is a slow start but things pick up momentum, and by February, the landscape changes. Full Moon in Gemini on...
December 2022

December 2022

In December, we have a lighter energy than the past few months, it’s a good time to connect with friends and family, and an especially good time to travel.  The month will end with a Mercury retrograde. Mars continues its retrograde phase in Taurus Mars will continue...
November 2022

November 2022

In November, we will reach a culmination to all the chaotic, disturbing vibrations created by the potent eclipses we are experiencing.  We start the month with all planets gripped by the nodes except for the retrograde Mars. The month will start off with some...