getting started
Anahita does consultations online, using meeting software, by a pre-arranged time slot. All consultations are recorded.
A confirmation email along with a questionnaire will be sent after you choose from the below. It would be helpful if you complete questionnaire and send detailed questions at least one week prior to the scheduled consultation. Currently, the typical timeline for consultations is 7-10 days notice. Please see Terms of Use section before choosing a service.

natal chart analysis
An overview of prominent features of your birth chart. We will discuss five areas of your choosing in detail, including but not limited to, financial prospects, travel, health, relationships, and career. Typically, this is a 75 minutes consultation. The first hour is the reading and the remaining time is reserved for questions and remedies.
There will be use of multiple dashas, varga charts for specific areas, and potential remedies.
This is recommended for new clients.
€225 EUR

full life
This is a two and half-hour consultation on major themes and patterns in your life. We will highlight and discuss the positive and negative timelines, focusing on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, health, children, marriage, travel, business, and anything else that you would like to discuss. This is a more detailed analysis than the natal chart reading.
There will be use of multiple dashas, various varga charts, detailed nadi chakra analysis for current mahadasha using nakshatras, suggested remedies, and transits for upcoming two years. Two hours are spent on the reading and the remaining time on questions and remedies.
€450 EUR

An annual reading, also known as the ‘varshaphal’ chart, will be a detailed analysis of all trends suggested by the planetary placements as it relates to your chart over the next 12 month period calculated from your birthday. This will be a 25-30 minutes consultation accompanied by varshaphal charts.
€120 EUR

A special reading for those who have specific questions and want to focus on those. You will be able to send three questions pertaining to any area of life. A reading will be done to address these questions using techniques of prashna, tantra jyotish, and tarot. The reading will include a detailed analysis of your birth chart using Parashara principles as well as suggested remedies sent to you in recorded format. The recording will come with relevant charts, including varga and dasha charts where applicable. This is a recorded reading only.
€225 EUR

current relationship
This is a 75 minutes consultation where we will discuss compatibility with your current partner or love interest. A close examination of Upapada, navamsa, longevity, 10-factor analysis, as well as conventional compatibility will be done. We will also discuss on how to improve your current relationship by understanding the major issues/ karma affecting both of you. Where applicable, remedies will be recommended to improve the quality of the relationship. The first hour is the reading and remaining time is reserved for questions and remedies.
€225 EUR

soul mate meeting
This is a 30-40 minute consultation to understand the best periods in the near future for you to get married or enter into a serious relationship with a new partner. This will include remedies where applicable.
€170 EUR

Detailed Transit Analysis
This recorded consultation will be a detailed analysis of the upcoming transits for the next 3-5 years. The discussion will focus on important transits taking into consideration Vimshottari and Chara Dashas. This recorded reading can be tailored to specific areas, including relationships, career, family, home, finances, and business, where there is a pressing concern. Potential pitfalls and remedies will be provided. The recording will accompany relevant charts, including varga and dasha charts where applicable. Recorded reading only.
€170 EUR

Follow Up Reading
This is a 60 minute consultation where we can discuss any topics that you want further clarity on, emailed in advance. This is only for repeat clients.
€170 EUR

Birth Time Rectification
This is only an add-on service for those who have already chosen a consultation. Considerable time will be spent to assess significant dates and facts in your life to infer a probable time of birth. The assessment will be emailed prior to the main consultation. Rectification is important and sometimes necessary because without an accurate birth time, it is not possible to get an accurate reading.
€225 EUR