Calculations are done using the True Chitra Ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on Greenwich Mean Time (or UTC, Coordinated Universal Time).
December 2024
In December, we have a rare phenomenon happening, we have three moon cycles. Two new moon cycles in the very beginning and the very end of the month, and a full moon cycle in the middle of the month. We continue with the Mercury retrograde until we arrive at the...
November 2024
In November, the transformative energy is again strong. Mars is debilitated, and Venus, Sun, and Mercury transit through Scorpio. Saturn goes direct, which is a sigh of relief for many signs, as we can see forward momentum. Mercury starts its retrograde phase in...
October 2024
We continue with eclipse season – we had one on Sept 18 and the upcoming solar eclipse is on October 2nd. This October eclipse will help us progress and move forward in life. Jupiter turns retrograde from Oct 9 till Feb 4. New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo on October...
September 2024
September marks the first autumn eclipse, second one to follow in October. We also have Mars in Gemini and Venus in debility with Ketu this month. New Moon in Leo in Purvaphalguni on September 2nd The first event of the month is the new moon taking place in Leo, in...
August 2024
August will bring some deep reflections. We start the month with a mercury retrograde cycle and Venus going into debility joining Ketu toward the end of the month. Venus transits Leo from July 31 till August 25 First event in August is Venus moving into Leo. Venus...
July 2024
The last day of June brought forth another Saturn retrograde cycle which will last till November 15. The other major event this month is Rahu’s movement into Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra on July 8. Rahu remains there till Mar 16, 2025. Mercury transits Cancer till July...
June 2024
June is an excellent month for making big leaps. If you ever wanted to reach for your goals and take some risks, take steps toward your dreams, then this is the month to do it. Mars transit in Aries from June 1 till July 13 Mars starts its movement into its own sign...
May 2024
In May, we have a Mars-Rahu conjunction in Pisces, which will result in a final culmination of an ongoing problem. We also have a combust Venus. And the biggest news is the movement of Jupiter into Taurus for its annual stay. Jupiter transits Taurus from May 1, 2024...
April 2024
In April, we again have two difficult conjunctions carrying over from March. One is Sun and Rahu and the other is Mars and Saturn. We also have a Mercury-Rahu conjunction which will cut through some obstacles and bring creative solutions. We have an ongoing complex...
March 2024
In March, we have two ongoing conjunctions carrying over from February. One is Sun and Saturn and the other is Mars and Venus. If you have planets situated in 15 to 20 degrees in your natal chart, you will be impacted by these conjunctions directly. Rahu-Ketu Axis...

Om Namo Narayana